The PooVak is a patented pet litter (dog poop) vacuum designed to make the process of keeping your yard free of pet litter easier and quicker with the added benefit of it being cleaner and neater for your pets and family.
With the PooVak, there is no more bending over, or using just a shovel and bag, just let the PooVak scoop that scat and go.
Since 2012, the PooVak has helped pet owners and businesses across the US and Canada solve a critical problem, making it easier to keep the yard and area free from harmful pet litter that can spread disease and make our family pets sick.
• The Ergonomics of the PooVak allows you to perform the task with less bending.
• The Litter-Vac™ is light weight (13 pounds) and has available mobility accessories such as wheels, shoulder strap, and telescoping handle with arm brace, which will allow you to complete the task quickly, with ease and less fatigue, while the Walk-About is only 8 pounds.
• Low Contact method, primarily uses air flow to capture and transport Pet Litter.
• The PooVak vacuums litter into a bag for easier collection and disposal.
• Effective on multiple surfaces (Grass, Gravel, Concrete), and can reach into crevices and between rocks.
• Thoroughly cleans up a variety of messes: Liquidy and Solid, New and Old.
• Thorough removal of Pet Litter will Help prevent the spread of Canine viruses transmitted through Pet Litter (especially critical when multiple pets share a common area).
• Vacuum action can reduce water usage as compared to conventional methods.
But don't try using a shop vacuum for this job, you will only mess up and clog the hose and end up throwing the vacuum away like I did back in 2011. The Litter-Vac™ and Walk-About are indeed a battery powered vacuums that can be used outdoors, is easy to carry, and maneuver, and is specially designed to optimize battery life, and handle the tough task of vacuuming pet litter, and litter of all sorts (small debris such as bottle caps, cigarette butts, broken shards of glass, clumpy grass clippings, tree debris, and even harvesting items that fall to the ground and are difficult to gather). You will find the PooVak has a multitude of handy applications, not just Pet Litter.
main features of the Litter-Vac by PooVak LLC.
Play this video first
When that smell confronts you, get yourself a PooVak, and then nix that scat.
Whether it's bottle caps, cigarette butts, broken glass, or Pet Litter (dog poo from any Breed of Dog), the Litter-Vac™ is up to the challenge.
Price: $599.99 + Battery Option
Link to Specifications/More Info:
The Litter-Vac™ model is ideal for Pet Owners and Businesses. This pet friendly vacuum is just 13 pounds empty weight, battery powered and has available accessories such as a telescoping handle, shoulder strap, and 7 inch wheels for enhanced mobility, and a HEPA filter for indoor use.
Plus, the internal disposable bag ensures that after you are done, the Litter-Vac™ can be easily emptied and ready for the next task.
Start or Enhance Your Dog Poo Collection Business with the Litter-Vac™ click here for more info.
Shipping: shipped by UPS ground, shipping charge is extra and may vary depending on the address. We can only ship to the US (lower 48 states) at this time.
Click Here for More Info.
Currently out of Stock, Will Be available to Order Soon
Video Demo of the PooVak Litter-Vac™ showing lots of real world examples.
Ideal for the Residential Customer, the Poovak Walk-About™ model is a powerful and light weight solution for collecting pet litter from any size dog.
Weight: 8 lbs
Capacity: 2 quarts (0.5 Gallons)
Battery: 21V Lithium-Ion (rechargeable)
Battery Capacity: Up to 150 scoops per charge
The PooVak Walk-About™ is a great solution for the Residential customer.
Order now for $399.99
Price includes battery and charger, and 50 specially sized PooVak Bags, everything you need to vac that scat.
Shipping: shipped by UPS ground, shipping charge is extra and may vary depending on the address. We can only ship to the US (lower 48 states) at this time.
Currently Out of Stock, will be available to order Soon
Video Demo of the PooVak Walk-About™ with giant dill pickels on the patio and in the grass.
Ever wish there was a portable pooper scooper vacuum small enough to take with you on your doggie walks?
The PooVak Walk-About™ is powerful yet small enough to bring with you when you are out with your best friend, and want a more dignified way to collect pet-presents. No more thin bags, no more grabbing those warm presents, and hoping the bag doesn't tear.
This Model is ideal for the Residential Customer.
You will be mesmerized by the performance, versatility and value of Kount PooKula™. The Kount comes as a complete system that includes a 50 ft outdoor power cord and 10 PooVak Bags.
Price: $399.99
Complete system includes 50ft Outdoor Power Cord and 10 PooVak Bags. The Kount doesn't need a battery, he simply plugs-in to 110V AC.
Currently Out of Stock, will be available to order Soon.
This Video Shows the Litter-Vac™/PooVak® picking up a whole can of chili to show that it can handle the messiest situations. Note: An optional nozzle liner is used in this demo to help keep the unit clean.
Video of the real thing: https://youtu.be/ty4zst0HRgQ
Dill Pickles are larger and heavier than the real thing. However, if you are up-to-it, we have demo videos with the real thing. This video however gets the point across, without the hurl.
Video of the real thing: https://youtu.be/ty4zst0HRgQ
The Litter-Vac™, Kount PooKula and Legacy PooVak® are specially designed to use durable/breathable bags that are inserted into the canister. These bags are also absorbent, and will help keep the inside of the canister clean. Sorry, but standard plastic bags will not work because they will not let air pass through them.
Order Litter-Vac™/PooVak® bags in quantities of 50, with Priority Shipping included for $49.99. Volume discount available.
Bio-degradable bags coming soon!
The Components of the Litter-Vac™ are designed to provide enhanced Performance, Optimize battery life, and Provide years of trouble-free operation.
The Litter-Vac™ is the latest innovation from PooVak, LLC, and has been refined from years of service and feedback from customers since April of 2012. For more information about the original PooVak® (video, customer testimonials, etc) please scroll down to the "Reviews from Customers" section of this webpage.
Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for delivery.
The Litter-Vac™, Walk-About™ and Kount PooKula are Guaranteed to work for all Dog Sizes and Breeds.
The Kount, Walk-About and the Litter-Vac™ come with a 2 year limited warranty. Repairs are free of charge, and includes the return shipping, restrictions apply.
The Kount, Walk-About™ and the Litter-Vac™ also come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied, we will refund your original purchase price and even pay for the return shipping. A refund will be issued after the items have been received.
Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for delivery.
Q: How well does this work in gravel or rock areas? does it suck up alot of rock and gravel?
A: We used to live in Arizona, with gravel in the yard instead of grass, and with 2 dogs is was very challenging to collect, which is why my wife and I created the PooVak. See the video for a demo at a neighbor's yard with the original PooVak system. Note: This configuration is available as a special order. For more info and pricing, send an email to info@poovak.com, and we will provide a quote.
General Debris and Harvesting:
Whether its bottle caps, cigarette butts, broken shards of glass, accident debris and yes, Animal and Pet Litter. The Litter-Vac™ is up to the Challenge.
Litter from Geese and other wild animals ... No sweat. The Litter-Vac™ will help you to keep your backyard or public areas clean and free of litter that can cause diseases to spread to people and pets.
Pet Litter Collection at Home and Shelters & Kennels
Yes, the Litter-Vac™ has a special see-through nozzle designed for the unique challenges of collecting Pet Litter efficiently and with ease. Leave almost NOTHING behind.
The Litter-Vac™ is based on the proven design of the patented PooVak®. Since 2012, the PooVak® has helped pet owners and businesses across the US and Canada, real testimonials
The Litter-Vac(TM) is demonstrated in this video by collecting oak tree debris (acorns), almost 5 gallons of debris collected in just a few minutes. Other applications include litter from wild animals (geese, deer), farm animals (think sheep, goats, chickens, swine) which allows you to bag the waste as fertilizer, or plastic debris, harvesting of items that are on the ground, and debris such as broken shards of glass, cigarette butts, bottle caps, etc.
These are a few reviews are from Pet Owners and Business Owners of the original PooVak® . Since April 2012 the PooVak® has helped customers in 49 states and all provinces of Cananda, the PooVak® works well in all climate zones.
•The Best Invention Since the Wheel.
•Clean up is a snap.
•I’ve cut my clean up time from 45 minutes to 15 minutes
•Our Backs are saved
•The Poovak is excellent. In a few minutes I was able to pick up the small pieces of dog feces that rest inside the rock garden.
•It does very nice with the wet and old flattened waste. Clean-up was very easy.
•When we used it for the first time, we had waste in various stages of age and decomposition. Some were very wet, flat and almost part of the turf. It didn't matter, it all came up very nicely and quickly.
•Rave reviews my friend, rave reviews.
•Well I got my Poo Zilla. It's a beast all right! But in a good way, the unit picks up all kinds of poop. Easily!
Diane in Riverside California said: ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! We have three dogs, two large and one small. The PooVak can handle it all. It used to be difficult to get my son to pick up the poop but now he does it without being asked! We posted a video on YouTube of the PooVak in action. Thanks, Jerry, for this very useful invention and best wishes promoting it! Diane YouTube video link: http://youtu.be/91SNnE5P1cQ
Donna from TX and IL said: I bought The Grand Poopah for my ranch in TX, it works so well I now bought the PooDini for my house in Chicago... BTW This would be a great Fathers Day gift!!!
Gulnurfrom Arizona Said:
We love PooDini.:))) It's very easy to use it and very light. But the power is amazingly strong. With PooDinipicking up my little girl's poops is very easy and takes a short time:))) we are not concerned about hurting our backs anymore because we don't need to bend. Thank you PooVaak, you saved our lives:))))).
Rodney from Tucson AZ Said:
Last Saturday was support small business day, here is my feedback on the product PooVak and the inventor/business owner. I received the Poovak from Jerry, he explained the product and his reason creating it. Job well done, I then went to work. Having 2 poodles and 1 Dachshund it is a never ending battle; especially when you are a neat freak. Due to having a grass and gravel backyard I normally spend from 45 minutes to an hour on the weekends on Poop patrol and mowing the yard (Poop Patrol normally takes the largest portion of time). Thanks to Jerry's creation I cut my time down to 15 minutes, clean up was a snap and I am beyond impressed. The pooVak receives a 9.9 out of 10 on a rating scale; the only deduction was .1 for I could not find a volunteer to complete the task for me.
Miguel from NM said:The Poovak is excellent. In a few minutes I was able to pick up the small pieces of dog feces that rest inside the rock garden. The power shovel would run out of charge before I would finish. I never was able to pick up the dog feces. My whole family hates the power shovel that is why I am in charge of clean up. The PooVak is like a jet engine compared to a battery operated plane. Great design. Great vacuum. Good luck. Great packaging.
Joyce from TX said: November 8th, 2012 6:46 am
Hi Jerry, Just want you to know you're customer service and dedication is superb!!! Appreciate everything. Thank you, Joyce
Steve from Oregon said:
Got it today. It does very nice with the wet and old flattened waste. Clean-up was very easy. We'll have to use the bags, but that's not a problem. Thank you for the great product. Steve
David from Florida said:
It works as advertised, for All of my dogs. Because I have a corded version I haven't walked around my community yet. I think it is a great product and continue to be very interested. Overall, a very useful product where there should be significant demand (and is "environmentally correct")
Pam from Oregon said: Well I got my Poo Zilla. It's a beast all right! But in a good way, the unit picks up all kinds of poop. Easily! The Strap, I haven't figured out how to use it to it's best capability as of yet. But it does helps with the weight.
Alison from Arizona said: Hi Jerry, I put together my PooVak last night. Wow, cleaned up the whole front yard because I could not wait. I was surprised that it was not too loud, seeing that I did not start until after 8:30pm. Now a suggestion that I have is making a hose attachment (like on a vacuum) so I don't have to carry around the equipment. My front yard is not all that big, so a couple of moves of the main equipment would cover it all, just a thought. Great job! --Alison
Steve B. on the OR coast said: Thanks for the great product and the great responsive communication. I'm happy to get this for the family. Tried it out within the hour of delivery; happened to be on a nice day; was ready to go right out of the box and snapped onto our blower/vacuum unit. Lots of rain, so getting out there every day isn't our thing. When we used it for the first time, we had waste in various stages of age and decomposition. Some were very wet, flat and almost part of the turf. It didn't matter, it all came up very nicely and quickly. The bag is the way to go with wet stuff. My friends at work thought I was crazy, but when they heard that it really works; a couple interested in borrowing it to try it themselves. I expect you'll have more orders soon.****** If you're a prospective buyer of this product, take my word for it, it does really work and does a great job of it. Well worth the value.
Bret from Texas said:
Rave reviews my friend, rave reviews. Salut my engineering friend, America really is a great place to reach for the stars, and you grabbed a handful. Best wishes in all your endeavors.....
Kristine S. from Tacoma WA said:
Jerry, I just got the blower and the Vak. It popped together so easily!!! I haven't tried it yet--it's pouring outside right now--but I should get to it this weekend sometime... Kris "When my sis got home we went outside to try the PooVak. AMAZING! We are both amazed. It picked up every kind of doo: wet, dry, stuck to grass, even my goats' poo(which we plan to use in our garden)! Now my sis wants me to take it next door to the labardorowners, great friends of ours, to see how they like it. They have three big labs who make lotsa big piles! I have a feeling they'll want to know where to get one. I'll be sure to tell them. "You have a winner!!!" Kristine S., dog and goat owner, Tacoma, WA
More from Kristine from TakomaWA said: said:
The PooVak is (to use a too often OVER-used adjective) AMAZING! I've been using it for three months now on dog AND goat poo. It picks up the poowithout picking up the gravel it sits on in the goat shed, and it picks up dog poo in all grassy conditions--wet, dry, high, low. By high, I mean up to an inch and a half high; I haven't tried it in higher grass, since we keep our lawn mowed, but I have no doubt that powered to "high" it will work in knee-high grass! It will probably work in high grass on low power, it's so robust; I just can't confirm this myself and need not over-promise because PooVakworks great-- no hyperbole required! My grandnieces verbally joust to be the ones to run it, so they take turns. It saves bending. It weighs about ten pounds (a little heavier than an empty Oreck vacuum)so may be too heavy in its present incarnation for kids under six or elderly folks, but otherwise, I can't think of a single reason to disqualify it as THE BEST PRODUCT ON THE MARKET for what it's designed to do. I've asked other dog owners what they use; those who use other brands aren't satisfied. My neighbors and relatives have borrowed mine to try it out; smiles and positive comments came back, including "Where can I get one"! If you have a big dog or multiple small or large dogs, you can't do any better than to get a PooVak. It will make poopatrol a pleasure! Ideal for busy homeowners, kennels, zookeepers and others who would rather use your spare time doing something other than scooping poop!
Mike in AZ said:
This is a great product! Using existing equipment, we quickly and cleanly pick up our pooch's waste. The suction is strong; not so strong that it picks up 1/4 inch gravel along with the waste. The approach angle on the nozzle is designed so that no tilting or lifting is required. The construction is pretty simple and strong.. We are very happy with our Poovak; we first tried one from a well- known online reseller. We were very dissapointed with the lack of suction. This product blows it away... Thanks to Poovak we clean up fast our backs are saved!
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Copyright © 2024 PooVak, LLC. PooVak® is a registered trademark of PooVak, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Litter-Vac™ is an unregistered trademark of PooVak, LLC, with All Rights Reserved.
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